Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pet Peeves

Shut off the flipping microwave. Please. There is nothing more I hate than when some lazy sibling heats up their food and, apparantly, does not have the energy for such a simple task to press the CLEAR button on the microwave. Really? Also, I've realized that if I buy anything expensive and bring it to school, it will magically dissappear. Always, no matter what it is, someone thinks it's hilarious to take it and hide it from me, just to see me mentally suffer.


  1. This is funny.
    I sometimes leave the extra time on accidentally, but if I see someone else leave bothers me:)

  2. Ha ha couldn't agree more. STOP STEALING MY STUFF, PEOPLE!

  3. wow. REED. is telling people they r annoying. wow. geez, little drummer boy!
